Friday, November 17, 2006

29 minutes

1,2,3... eh...
slap, slap, slap, 1,2,3...
pace around,
slap, slap, slap, 1,2,3... eh...
pace around,
slap, slap, slap (rhythmic Christmas carols)
1,2,3... eh...
pace around,
slap, slap, slap, 1,2,3...
pace around (shirt pulled up, pants hanging low, shiny syringe in hand)
slap, slap, slap, 1,2,3... come on!
pace around...

29 minutes to pierce my skin, by far the hardest yet... and once I finally plunged in, breath held, it didn't hurt at all.


Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Goodness me Ample! What is your skin made from;)
Seriously though, I can't imagine what it must be like to find it so difficult to inject oneself. I do most certainly take it for granted being quite the needle Lover;)
My heart goes out to you, you must be terrified to take 29 minutes.
But you're so doesn't even hurt does it. I expect it to hurt each and everytime too, but it doesn't.
Loved the description of it:) They could be lyrics to a real noisy punk track from the 70's:) Hey, next time you could do it to The Ramones "Needles & Pins" very dreary sounding'd have it done in 2 minutes that way, just so you could turn the song off;)


P.s. I hope you didn't hold your breath for 29 minutes;)

Ample said...

It was more like extremely ridiculous... I just couldn't push it in! Glad I was alone - looked totally crazy, yelling at myself "come on!, you can do it!..." Weird, weird.

Not Blank said...

Wow, I react so differently, when I get everything together to go, I get this "do it, do it, do it" thing going around in my head, that I hear (saw an interview with him once) the psycho who killed John Lennon got! And that really scares me and all I want to do is get the "do it" noise to stop, and the only way I can get it to stop is to do it.