Thursday, November 02, 2006

Eyeball (eyeball, eyeball, eyeball)

Needless to say, I passed out around 7:30 last night. Zoom, zoom, zoom, crash. Dreamt of yellow leaves and men in dresses. Woke this morning to another good day. Hubby chauffeured us around this afternoon, dropping me by the eye doc's and standing in as super parent at the home school group. The appointment took an hour, routine checks for treatment patients led to photographs of a new "white dot" on the back of my left eyeball (eyeball... I love that word). Number codes for "long term medication" riddle my file. Back in two months to compare. I'm not worried. Don't have excess energy to waste on such vague threats. Everything is cool. It's pushing 7:30 once again and I'm crashing nicely.


TeaStarWitch said...

I think I should check my eyes too (eyeballs :) You know, Ample, even though I feel stronger now on Procrit, it's not a 100% cure of fatigue, I would say 50%. I'm still tired, but of course no comparison to the feeling of dying I had without it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Amber,

I dont even remember if I have even welcomed you to the Hep C forum. So, please forgive me if I havent. At any rate I am Virus Slayer on the forum. I have done 45 weeks of treatment and started having left eye problems 3 weeks ago. Two specialist later I have been told I have what they call Cotton Wool disease. Its normaly found in diabetics and people with high blood pressure and anemics. Anyway I have been undetected since week 12 and my liver functions are normal. I dont know if I am going to do those last 3 shots I dont see the point of it. I am not going to chance losing more eyesight. Plus at 55 1/2 years old I am ready to start feeling better off these meds.

Ample said...

Cotton Wool Disease. Huh. Just the name sounds a lot like what I was told my eyes were doing (the "spots" showed up around 1/2 through). I had a lot of visual disturbance during treatment! And at 5 1/2 months free they are ALL GONE :) No more "cotton balls" found in my eyes, no more shimmers, no more peripheral black outs, nothing! and thank goodness!!!

I recognize your name (Virus Slayer), though I haven't visited the forum in a long while. 3 more shots huh? That's a toughy. "Just three more" "So Close" All things I'm sure you have considered. Losing eyesight would be TERRIBLE! but dieing of Hep C would be worse I think. Good luck wrestling that dilemma. Gotta just trust your decision :)