Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Glimpses of the sky

The Whale is tired,
Carried by this current,
Coming up for air,
Catching glimpses of the sky,
Clear, blue, beautiful.


Not Blank said...

Let the whale float on its back today and take it easy!

Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Hi Ample, I Love to read your poems. I see you liked my Poem I wrote this morning. You gave me the idea from seeing yours. I enjoy writing poems but I don't write often enough. I have some from a few years back which mean a lot to me. I might post them one day. Thanks:)

I find your Whale poems interesting. I have always seen a Whale as the worst kind of prisoner on this giant planet of their's. It's tiny little eye seemingly trapped in a vast wall of granite, in pain, terrified & looking for help. Their eyes say so much to me. Lost in the oceans of the Earth...so lonely!


Ample said...

My view of whales has changed a lot now that I've become one. I see them as looking on from great knowledge, grace, reverence. "No sense of speed, only grace", that fits me to a T these days.... well... the no speed part anyway.... I'm still working on grace (it's a new concept for me).

I'd love to read some of your early works! Keep writing!