Monday, March 26, 2007

Bitch, bitch, moan

My head hurts,
all day today,
and I seem to have lost the ability to multi task.
Maybe it's a skill and not just a talent I thought I had.
Maybe I'll have to work it back into place.
I can plan the steps, the timing (that returned about a week ago), but I lose my place.... walk away with the bagel in the toaster, wet clothes sit in the wash...
and the visuals are still here. Hit me once while packing, then again at the festival. I was hungry both times (but not tired).
Wonder if that will go away.
Man my head hurts.


Not Blank said...

The head ache could be a seasonal thing, I have it today too, or maybe it's related to the phase of the moon?
As for the bagel episode: these things are called "Senior Moments," they are completely unrelated to treatment, and I hate to be the one to have to break it to you...but these moments do start happening in your '30s!

Ample said...

no they don't.... I mean it..... no they don't.... NO THEY DON'T!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!

oh well.... maybe they do... damn...
"senior" huh? damn....

TeaStarWitch said...

Why does you head ache? Maybe it's a detocsification thing? did you ask your doctor?

Not Blank said...

Yes, I did want to inject him, but with the interferon, something that would make him feel bad, not something that would make him feel better!
So, now there's none of that left...however, his day will come, sooner or later.