Sunday, June 24, 2007


Ahhhh... finally... a couple of hours to myself lay before me. I've got my white grape fancy drink, the shades pulled perfectly for just the right amount of light, my journal with a pen that definitely works, the phone within reach just in case the hubby and bean need me (which they won't, 'cause I've spent hours setting them up for success), 3 fluffy pillows, the bed made, the ceiling fan on, and my new book right here beside me..... A couple of deep breaths..... and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... sweet heaven here we go, I've got hours to float.....

new book: Way to Paradise, by Mario Vargas Llosa


TeaStarWitch said...

Sounds like a very peacfull life.

What book do you read now?

Ample said...

a peaceful few hours it was.... amazing how much work I had to do to set it up - meaning: getting the hubby off with the bean!!! Practically had to force it! Worth it though - everyone had a good time!

new book is: Way to Paradise, by Llosa. so good!

TeaStarWitch said...

I'll buy this book. Just read info about hit. Sounds very interesting.

I would reccomend Knut Hamsun "Mysteries". You will love it I promise

Ample said...

Mysteries... I'll get it!