Friday, December 15, 2006


Took a long deep breath this evening. Hoping to escape for a little while. Everyone's gotta do it. Good for you. Sure I've got two problems going on in my eyes. One not so big. The swirly blinking blackness is just a migraine without the pain. I can deal with that. Hope it goes away after treatment. The other deserves a pause. A long deep breath to cool the nerves. Swwweerrrrrrr... poooooou. Another white dot, actually two, have appeared on the back of my left eye. Is it the precursor of retinal lift off? Is it no big deal, most likely to go away after treatment, long before any detachment even considers being formed? More appointments scheduled. They're going to hold my hand through the rest of treatment. Actually gave me the pause-look and asked the question, how much longer do you have go? Three months I stammered, well actually one week less than three months, I couldn't remember the numbers. How many weeks left? I'm not stopping now. Fluttery flight inhales. No, he says, lets go for it. Something about weighing the odds when I'm this close. Yeah. I've only got three more months, well actually one week less than three months. Dude. It's only one eye, what can happen in three months time? Swwweerrrrr.....pooooooooou. I love my eyes.


Toddering said...

love your eyes too.

Ample said...

Thanks :)

TeaStarWitch said...

See, this "Fireworks" is a common side effect, ha?
Even though I have not seen your eyes, I'm sure they are beautiful.