Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Now is not the time

Nope, forget about it.
No personal weeding going on around here.
Tried a bit this morning, too hard.
I don't have enough to take that on.
Just enough for me,
To heal.
(on a cellular level)


Not Blank said...

Now is the time to float in a clear pool of can do that, you have enough left to keep yourself afloat. Put the family in their own personal flotation devices and don't let them grab you and drag you under. Ignore all outside forces. If it rains, open your mouth and drink some of the rain.

Ample said...

You got it sister! You hear what I'm talking about. Right on the money. Thank you.

TeaStarWitch said...

I'm here to float too : ) May I join?

Ample said...

Absolutely. Plenty of room.

Jason Paul Tolmie said...

That's it Amps, Just let it happen. Sit back and let yourself be gently pulled along. Guess who's doing the pulling Ample......You're staring at them......on this page. The poison has been pulled out, the pain has been wrapped up in the softest, thickest blanket, those tears are back again in their special little pools hidden deep behind your cheeks....ready to meet you at the end, to calm you, to cool you......tears made of happy.

We're pulling Ample.........never gonna stop!