Thursday, April 05, 2007


Suddenly sick with my surroundings,
Furrowed face, chest a pounding,
Mad at my awakening (from meds),
Rotten anger in my head,
Life the same old,
Game old...
Too full of not wants,
Suffocating ills, taunting taunts,
Twisted anger, drop it...
Let it drip, off of me,
No longer good enough I see,
To scratch the words,
What do I want,
To splash the picture,
Upon the rock,
I will be greater days,
Now sing, mumble, sway away,
Dance the jig while in the fire,
To a new beginning I will expire.

RL: 6. (4/5/07) miles of speed walking, pulling 52 lbs of daughter from store to store to store, brilliant, blue, laughter, fun.

1 comment:

TeaStarWitch said...

Woman, are you pms-ing or still riba-raging?