Monday, August 06, 2007

All is well

All is well, back to normal, house is busy, full, plans this week brewing, responsibilities building, hubby-meetings with big wigs, guests arriving tonight, and maybe tomorrow, education eval this Thursday for the bean, at least that one's a breeze, bathrooms still left to clean, sheets too, a grocery run this afternoon, will need to take a shower.... and yet, I'm somehow keeping the "all is well" feeling, weird, a relief, a sure sign I'm not on treatment anymore, and that I just had a solid time off, so healthy to miss my family, feel alone, even lonely, quiet, peaceful, gotta have it.


Anonymous said...

I envy you Amp! I want that healthy hustle & bustle in my home next! Send some magic our way!!!

Guess what, we're trying to breed the bear. The stud (who is adorable!) is owned by a dude who grew up here but spent his summers out by Perry- he's got that mellow panhandle vibe. Perfect! Now we just need to show the kids how to, you know, do it. There's a fine line here between "facilitating breeding" and pimping your dog. But they are definitely bff already, so hey, that's the foundation of a good relationship! ;)

TeaStarWitch said...

Doing so much is tiring. Relax.
It's great you are that strong. Good!