Friday, September 22, 2006

New research?

Some interesting research has come my way. It points to hemochromatosis (the most common inherited single-gene disorder in people of northern European descent, 1:300) as the possible underlying cause of Hepatitis C problems in otherwise healthy bodies. Those with hemochromatosis regularly absorb two to three times as much dietary iron as normal persons, which eventually harms every major organ, particularly the liver, pancreas and heart. The theory follows that the Hep C virus may not be such a devastating issue (except for being contagious and bad news on a compromised immune system) if the body wasn't already stressed/damaged by the uptake of too much iron, and that treating only the virus may miss the main problem and lead to more health issues in the near future. The study continues to say that a thorough family history is one key to diagnosis. My history includes an uncle with Hep C and cirrhosis, and a father with high liver enzymes but no virus or other known cause. There's a specific panel of blood tests needed to correctly identify the body's iron level and an easy rice bran extract to help eliminate excess. I'm going to look more into this and bring the info to my next appointment.

check out, search for iron toxicity, or hemochromatosis.

Humm, we'll see.

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