Saturday, October 28, 2006

Two great things, one tough day.

First and most importantly, it's my wedding anniversary! Eleven years! Long time to be married and yet we just seem to be getting the hang of it. Still discovering, finding our voices. We are at a really wonderful place; wanting more, fine tuning our talk, releasing self-inspired barriers, exposing our vulnerable underbelly. Ahh, that's so sweeeet.

So, to honor our life long choice, a new tradition has been inspired. From here on out, we will spend our Anniversary Day as the "perfect couple". Do as we would if we were blissfully happy - not that we are not, but the chores and daily responsibilities tend to cloud the picture a bit. So we'd strip those away, for one day, no expectations to maintain it.

Except for this year, on a post-injection Saturday I feel like crap. No snuggling going on here let me tell you. I'm achy, my ears hurt and I'm cold. The stairs must be taken with two extra long breaks, collapsing on furniture, beds and counter tops, whine, whine, whine, blah, blah, blah. So we celebrated last night mini-style. Went out for local quinine, ate too much fried fish, cheese grits, then traveled home to sleep. Had fun though, dreaming of next year, how great our lives are now, laughing with our daughter.

One other great thing happened today... dressed the babe up for her big spooky party. She looked more like a dead nun than a ghost though, maybe a ghost of some saint who liked to scare people. She looked hilarious. I laughed so hard I almost stopped breathing... almost ruined her fun. She didn't want to be funny! I struggled for composure and quickly recovered her confidence... a ghost, a very spooky ghost. She and my husband drove away excited and happy.

And I get to be home alone for the evening... hey, three great things! Wow, three reasons not to completely want to runaway from this day. Cool.


TeaStarWitch said...

Happy anniversary!!! All the best, love and light.

Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Nice one Ample:)

Happy Anniversary girl:)
