Sunday, October 29, 2006

Bubbles rising

"... the halfway mark is totally underrated. I could still see the start just before it, and once I passed it, I could already see the finish!" (The Mighty C).

"Yeah... that brilliant guy was right, but it's taken me more like 7 months, pushing 8. I've been blinded by the start day, like it was the sun, burning all other visions away. What was that week, yeah the 29th shot, only 19 more weeks left, yep, that's when the scale suddenly spun. I questioned the calendar, double checked the math, before I could dare open my eyes, and slowly the finish line came into view. Marvelous. Now I'm at 18 weeks left, but it doesn't feel as life altering, 19 has the power. Nineteen is my magic number. Amazed I am (Yoda voice), almost done she is, amazed she has made it so far, yes, hummm. "

........(bubbles rising from my head).......

- Conversations with myself, over and over, on hard days, like today.


TeaStarWitch said...

Congratulations :). How did it feel for you? Did time pass quickly?

Ample said...

I want to say yes, to sound cheerful, but really no, it has not passed quickly... Though it really depends on the perspective of the moment... how's that for being vague... but really one moment I think wow, only 19 more weeks.... then I say, yeah, that's still 5 more months... But I've definitely reached a turning point, I'm amazed I've made it so far and I can finally see the finish line without fear.

I wonder what your magic number will be?

Jason Paul Tolmie said...


Weird more like;) Thanks Ample:) Made my year that has:)
Did you read my latest dream on my blog? Actually, don't go there! It ain't nice! Very clourful to say the least!

Happy for you I am (Yoda).....found finish line me thinks!. View nice eh?

I have 12 left. Jan 18 finish. I can already taste the mean......milk?


TeaStarWitch said...

My finish line feels like a mirrage to me, something unrealistic and not existing. It's so far away that I don't even want to think about it. But I know it will come :)

PSPam said...

Surfing through your blog. HANG IN THERE! I have many friends who did the year AND cleared. Me.... not that lucky. Non responder. Noticed you are in the Panhandle.... I am in Tallahassee. You? Write me sometime. Always love chatting with other heppers ;-) A few places you can find me are , , , or


Ample said...

For a long time I couldn't look at the end, couldn't even figure out the date, too full of fear, potiential disappointment, simply too far away... But now, suddenly (like Jason said!) it's all I can see, the starting line seems light years behind me. Only a few more miles (long miles, still up hill I know!) left in this marathon and I've got strength to finish... slowly, and then I will lay across the dirt and cry new tears. Champagne, definitely Champagne, lots of Champagne!... humm, but no hangover please, I'm so through with head aches and body pain! I may have to just laugh a lot and dance around all crazy... for hours...