Saturday, August 26, 2006

Am I really writing this

I shared blood with someone. When I do not know. But I have proof. I have Hepatitis C.

It's the only way it could have happened. The only. And how many times do we share blood? How often does that happen? I can't remember any times in particular. I search and find maybes. My daughter nor my husband have it. I will never know how I got it.

Knowledge is a small piece of life. It's more like what-we-want mixed in with what-we-get. What we're gonna get is a complete mystery. No way of knowing. It's totally fluid. So does what-we-want become influential in our story? Then lets go for something great! It's trickier than it sounds.

So far I like my story: big blind-sided crashes of the human spirit mixed in with moments of pure awareness. It's led me to a pretty nice place.

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