Sunday, August 27, 2006

speed, strength, running naked

there was a river trip. the kind with wild white water and canyon cliffs. several rafts held friends, my husband and child. the sky was brilliant blue. we stopped for lunch and a nap on the sandstone rocks. I felt tall, strong.... maybe I'll go for a run. dressed in running gear I step off. running down this old, ancient clay highway. strange trees, palms, and ferns lined the edge. people moving slowly, carrying large loads, walking on sandaled feet. I run, strong, feeling the wind and the ground beneath me. up the next hill then back again to my sleeping family. all peaceful, content. run again. now I'm naked, barefoot, tanned and weathered. heavy white toga draped loosely over right shoulder, billowing with the speed. I am strong, fast, light and smooth. I pass travelers. there are other runners. we smile as we pass. easily dodge an old man with a heavy load. up the hill then back again. stronger, faster, every muscle burning with pleasure, lungs filled with warm dusty air...... then.... consciousness moving towards pain and weakness, my body crushing under the heavy burden of treatment.....noooooo run again, hold on to the highway..... I wake.


Toddering said...

thanks for taking me with you. i wanted to hear more, but was afraid to ask.

Ample said...

It's good to see your name. Thanks.