Friday, January 12, 2007

Visual play

My very own aurora held me to the side of the road for more than a few minutes. 3 visual disturbances today, usually no more than one. First, over coffee, steam rose softly within my eyes. Then later with the grocery cart, pushing pushing, peripheral picture tube flickered in and out. Just need to keep going, look normal, don't fall down or look at people, it's upsetting when you can't see their face.

Then finally driving home,
Shuttering movements, pretty colors,
New it would pass,
Nicely if I sat,
Chillin on the side of the road.

1 comment:

TeaStarWitch said...

I know what you feel. I had visual desturbance too. It's awful when you can't see objects, people faces and see flashes insead of them. It will go away with the last injection of Interferon. Hang in there, you are close to a finish line.