Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hurried days far from home

In and out
back and forth
up and down
on and off
zoom zoom zoom...
Yet my head never moves
never changes
never slips
forever gripped
on this ship
focused full intent
on June fourth...
Oh will I abort
my path
made of glass
health contrived
Is this virus still alive?
Will I die?
Back to work
Up and Down
In and Out
On and Gone
Am I wrong?
Zoom Zoom Zoom...

*gone for days at a time, back and forth to the old house, not an old house, just The house we bought the first year we were married, daughter's first steps, first home, just south of Tally, small bit of acreage. We're onto our second one now, been renting out the first (nightmare almost), and now it's time to sell it to my folks. Complicated but OK. A little overwhelming, but not really. A lot of renovation, my mind's not quite into it yet.... will I be back on meds in two weeks? AH AH Back to Work!


Anonymous said...

Don't overdo it Amp. :)
I love that house too- good memories there. But all my memories with you were good... :)

Ample said...

But it may be their "last house"... most likely will be. I want it to be good, nice... a real gift if I can do it... but what if I can't, if the virus is back, then treatment calls everything off. boom. no more till it's over. Whirlwind whirlwind in my brain. Nothing to control, it's all insane.

Anonymous said...

Are they moving in the house? I thought they'd just be buying it for "an investment"!

Ample said...

moving moving girl friend.... their selling their current one. Wow Huh?

TeaStarWitch said...

Don't think or worry about this virus before you know something. "Why worry about a stone in your shoe before it gets there?" -- Hindu saying

Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Ample...If mine comes back in July's test, I won't be going for more tx. Not for a while anyway. Have you thought that...if yours does come back...that you might leave it a while? Do the house and get properly fit and then think about tx again? I'd like to forget it for a while personally. But then who knows how I will react if it has come back eh?

I'll probably cry like a baby and disappear down a hole somewhere and hide in the dark...or I may say 'F**k it' and carry on like I know I will. But not before a rest and a 'Forget all about it' period.

You'll be fine Ample...I can feel it in my bones:)


Ample said...

Damn you're good Jae... thanks

Anonymous said...

Just the sound of your "voice" sounds so strong and good to would be such a surprise to find that the beast hasn't been beat into submission. (By the way, I give it a bonk on the head long distance many times a day.) I'm glad to hear your folks are buying your house! It's such a neat place. My dad STILL asks about your amazing garden. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it...I know Walt would be there in a heartbeat. Wish I were home to help too.

Love u, Mol

Anonymous said...

End of an Era huh? They've had that house since the stone age.