Monday, September 18, 2006

Wowwy wow

Oh I love eating. Some days more than others.... but today, this evening in fact, was awesome. I followed my cravings. Put my body into the decision making process..... hummm yummm humm what would feel good right now? It takes some time to really work it out. Standing at the open fridge, pondering leftovers, available supplies, gut interests. Sometimes you have to nibble a few things in order to narrow the search. The nearest grocery store is over 30 miles away and its idea of variety is found in the can aisle, so planning is required for speciality items. Today, I'm going with simplicity. A little left over rice, a few assorted veggies, heavy handed with the red pepper, garlic, ginger, soy and I'm looking at my current heart's desire (slight variations feed the rest of the family). Colorful, textural, wowwy wow! Each bite a pizazz of ultimate delight. My eyes are rolling back in head. My daughter cuts in, "uh mom?" Hey... this is good I explain! Her eyes roll for a different reason. Whatever, I'm getting back to business. It's been over an hour since I ate, and I can still relive parts of it. Now I'm ready for the final course: a fist full of dark chocolate chips and hot ginger tea, or will it be a heaping bowl of oreo ice cream? Man, this makes up for a lot!

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