Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Such delicious new desires

Tried yet another new recipe last night, 8th one in two weeks. Each night I long for it, the chase, the plan, the discovery. May double back on past ones, adding more, taking less, building up the desire (my old friend). And why not? Why not play in the kitchen, jig to a beat, read aloud, be my own famous chef, cook only the best health foods I can find, seek out the favorite dish (still unknown for now). Even my daughter likes the new do. So what have I got to lose?

My slate is clean, my taste buds sterilized by treatment, memory clear to build upon. Food, such bitter food, nasty food for 48 weeks and then some. What I could swallow no pleasure. Cooking a chore I deplored to explore. But not now. Not ever again I plan. Give it to me loud, raw, fresh, crisp and spicy. Now it's the texture, the taste, the depth, the surprise, the display, the joy I want, all evening long, to consume, to swallow.

So what's next? Well, tonight I'm gonna add grilled grouper to the Spinach Quesadillas, mix up a little salsa cruda with avocado, pop open a cold Ginger Beer. Ho ho ho! Can't wait to see how it all turns out.

Does this have anything to do with being "clear" at 3 months? :)

*I've added a list of my adventures to the side. Favorite recipe book so far is Vegetarian Suppers from Deborah Madison's Kitchen. No, I'm not a vegetarian, but veggies are my main dish.


Not Blank said...

Could you find a good recipe for a 'pasta pie' - angel-hair pasta, cooked and mixed with I don't know what - maybe butter, perhaps a little parmesaen cheese, perhaps olive oil - then layered in a pie dish with spinach in the middle, chopped mushrooms on top, some tomato sauce dribbled over all of that - looks like a slice of cheese cake when sliced and served. I found some in a 'gourmet shop' this week, and it was delicious, need to go back and buy the entire pie, then ask for the recipe for making it myself!

Juancho said...

Cous cous I tell ya', I can't get enough of the stuff lately.

Ample said...

UC - sounds like you've got the recipe already! Have you tried it? I've tried something similar with egg noodles, cooked pilaf style in a fresh tomato sauce, with sour cream and feta dribble over the top... Ho ho ho! And cheese cake... Oh... I love cheesecake!

Juancho - mmmmmm cous cous... now there's an idea...

Nomad said...

Do you have Madhur Jaffrey's "World of the East Vegetarian Cooking"? It's one been one of my old faithfuls since my vegetarian days. It has EVERYTHING! ...Indian, Japanese, Korean...

BTW, I was just telling someone the other day that it was your sweet hubby's venison backstrap that made me fall off the vegetarian wagon and not look back! Oh, and I just posted some new pics and a blog the other day...

Ample said...

Nomad...I am so gonna get that book! Thanks for the tip.

BTW - we've got the perfect venison back strap in the freezer just waiting for your return!

Nomad said...

OHHHH...I just drooled a little bit! Since posting that comment yesterday I've been craving a dish from that cookbook...cauliflower roasted with turmeric and coriander, with a lovely yogurt sauce. mmmm. Not really a summery dish, I guess. Maybe a cold noodle dish would be better. I'll have to get that book out!

TeaStarWitch said...

Good food. Love vegetables too. Why don't we post our favorite recipes on our blogs? I'll do on mine : )