Friday, June 22, 2007


Heading towards a sweet heaven relief break, ho ho ho, and just in time too. I can feel it coming, far off, but still there, the bad part, the icky stuff, the stretched out, stressed out, too much piled high stuff. Noooooo thank you. Don't ever want to go back there. Cutting all weekend work plans: (BAM) no old house jobbies, no calendar check offs, no packing, no planning, no cleaning nothing, no more for now. And my bean's going for a sleepover with Gran (the sweet heaven relief icing, my favorite part). I've just got too much alone-work to get done: like holding down the daybed on the screened back porch, losing myself for hours to another good book, sipping on a cool fancy drink in silence, unresponsive, slack jawed, staring at the wind.... ho ho yeah, I've got a lot of staring time to catch up on, been way too long, got to meet my quota or my brain turns to mush. All realizations from treatment I'd soon never forget. Oh, I can feel the breath, the sigh, the decompression already. Saturday afternoon here I come! Ho ho ho, I can make it till then for sure.

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