Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mt Everest

I have to plan backwards these days, maybe it's the medicated fog, but even small household chores require this technique (to go to the bathroom, I have to get up first). Today's Mt Everest demanded a list:

* 2pm - daughter's weekly homeschool group (though we've hardly made two weeks in a row since treatment started, make that hardly once a month) was having their annual Valentine's Party
* 1pm - leave the house (at the latest!)
* 30mins to cover the fruit trees (hard freeze expected tonight)
* 30mins to get dressed/packed.... ok maybe 45mins
* That means by 11:45am, 60 Valentine's cards, that have not even been started, had better be complete, packed, ready to go.
* Hours (?) of cutting, gluing, stamping, taping, drying, cleaning...
* 30mins (at least) to collect supplies from various rooms (scissors, markers, construction paper, on and on and on and on).

This list began at 9:05am, when I still needed more coffee. So tired, so tired, is there any caffeine in this stuff? I swear, I was hung over from yesterday's 10 sec watch episode. I had hoped to breeze past this little shin-dig, but my daughter's broken heart hurt more than my head. She was just so excited.

We made it past the stuff collection, then had to regroup. A sloppy melt down led us to the computer, what can it do for us? She's a wiz at that little paint program. I could set up a template (4 cards per page), let her have at it, lots of color, print, cut, bam!

Didn't happen quite so smoothly, but we made it, even to the party. Was it worth it? Well...... she thinks so.


Not Blank said...

"Well, she thinks so."
And that's all that matters!

Ample said...

you got that right!