Friday, February 09, 2007

Oo ah ah ah oo oo ah ah ah

Doc appointment today. Went through the drill. Everything's low, looking good, yeah yeah yeah. Special labs in four weeks, but no appointment. Viral load was checked a couple of months ago, still undetectable so no reason to recheck now. Re-test at three months post treatment, just for kicks............ ..................... ......................... ................................... ......................... ...... oo ah ah ah oo oo ah ah ah ................... .......... ....................... ....................... ............................. ........ if the virus comes back, most people will test positive within those first three months, she says................ .................... ...... sure lets do it, I say.................... ............................................. ........... then................................. ...... if it's clear...............................schedule another appointment................ for the 6th month final marker............ then.......... if that's clear.............. I'm done forever ............................ aaaaaannnnd if not ........... at 3 months... or at 6 ................... then I have the virus, try again.......... yikes, that would be a bummer of a conversation, huh ........... scheduled the 3 month appointment for June 4th.


TeaStarWitch said...

I'm sure it will be clear all the way. But if not, don't get upset, in 2 years whole new generetion drugs are coming to market. They will cure us forever within short time.

TeaStarWitch said...

Ample, watch this video, it's from me to you

Ample said...

Thank you Teastar. It is going to be alright. Thank you.