Friday, February 23, 2007

One week left

Woke up this morning to only one week left of meds.... and I could feel it, hum it, taste it. My daughter bounced as we opened our weekly presents*, the final line, only one left, only one left, only one left.... ahhhh

Spent some time last night flipping through my early Hep C journals (I'm up to 3), reviewing the first days and months of treatment, before the blog. I saw long lists of convincing theories for proper water intake, protein levels, and vit C (etc). A few proved essential, but most now read like screaming lines of desperation, for control, for power, for some kind of influence over each worsening predicament. I like how they ended though, all the same. Just minutes, or maybe hours, after the first clingy scratches, a point of reckoning appears on the page. A point of obvious release, acceptance, commitment, where the ego has finally let go of want and should. No anger, no blame, just a sudden coming to terms with what is, wrapped neatly as a new lesson. And just after that, the pain lessens, every time. Page after page, over and over, month after month, till I am here..... mmmmmmmm...

*weekly presents for me and my daughter, pre-arranged by my best friend, marking each week for the first three months, then again at 6 months (for another 12 weeks!), and now again for the "final four" (with one special one remaining for the end). Totally awesome, unexpected, and wonderful.


Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Absolutely wonderful!
Do you think this whole tx experience has changed you into a better person? I think so. I think it turns us all into much better people:)

I expect you were pretty wonderful to begin with though;)

I hope the pressie.....the one final one remaining, is as special as you and your amazing daughter & your friend are.


Ample said...

oh yeah. oh yeah. oh yeah. (I started to ramble out a response, then decided it should have its own post) so I'll just say oh yeah.

TeaStarWitch said...

Is it real? Does it really happen? Does the treatment really end? I'm so, so happy for you. I wish you all the best : )