Saturday, November 11, 2006

Days moving quickly

Wednesday's reunion better than great. Played "on the hill" as queen and princess. Laughed at the dog and my little one's antics. Listened and looked with deep eyes of gratitude. Cards and pictures made professing our love. More than once happiness filled her eyes. I saw it. I was there.

Thursday, candy pops became rock stars. Alison Krauss was booed off the stage. Beatles came next, "John Lennon, coconut invented" sang Love, Love Me Do. Then John Prine for real, CD cranked loud, her and daddy danced in circles. I sat as long as I could. Staying present by cataloging their faces, smiles, movement. The volume pierced my ears, left quietly before I screamed. Crashed early and stayed up late, cuddled in bed, we're halfway through Harry Potter (#6), she suspects Malfoy, loves Harry.

Friday, after homeschooling and bonding on the sofa, we packed bags, discussed plans, and traveled off to my parents. She called at bed time, tearful and still safe. She's got weekend plans for the county fair. And playing with kittens. And she misses me. Says she can't stop saying it.... and she wants to stay longer on Sunday, not come home till after lunch. "Bye, I love you, bye, bye, I love you, see you on Sunday, bye, I love you, bye, bye..." Hanging up is hard for both of us.

My sweet little bear,
Let me smell your hair,
Keep away the fear,
Hold you forever near,
Your wings they keep growing,
Bright yellow, blue, unfolding,
I promise to help you fly,
One more moment by my side.

Today, the mac truck I injected last night bruises my bones. I'm thankful for the solitude. Will sit for hours watching the wind blow.


Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Ample, Your Blog and all of it's post's do not require photographs. In your writing, there sits a thousand pictures that absolutely no camera can capture.

Keep snapping away:)


Ample said...

Wow! Thank you so much! You made my year. -Ample

TeaStarWitch said...

Hug your little kitty daughter for me. Her age is so sweet and cute. Mine is a big girl and can even lift me. She looks much bigger then me.