Monday, November 20, 2006

Why things just don't get done:

constant brain fog
headaches, headaches
fast playing feedback loop
periodic testy, angry, crabby, freak-o mama, volcanic possession
incessant 6 yo singing, in ces sant...

It now seems to take a minimum of two tries to get something done (that's a minimum... there appears to be no maximum), and I've got only one good try in me . Should have seen me hang curtains today... all day long, resting, then re-resting, streaming melodies by my side, measurements (?), they look screwy. Remember the brilliant idea to switch rooms, still not done, may take months... Oh well...


Not Blank said...

Go to a Home Depot or Lowes and buy some temporary stick-on shades.
Then buy a level if you don't have one and never try to hang curtains again without one.

Ample said...

... stick on shades.... brilliant!

I had a level.... but it took too much energy to get a ladder to see the bubble correctly... my chair was hardly adequate... It's really amazing how "OK" I am with 1/2 performances - I never would have been before treatment - a whole new side of me has emerged... just got to be cool with it for a awhile...