Thursday, March 08, 2007

Anemic rampage

In spurts and sputters,
I have pushed and pulled,
At the clutter, the filth, the junk unfiled,
Buildups of the year 'on leave'.
Little headway,
All else suffers,
Done for awhile.


Not Blank said...

Every horizontal surface in my house is filled with papers: lab reports, insurance forms, FMLA forms, books, bank statements, coupons that have expired, pictures that need to be filed in albums. Horizontal Surface Disease - another side effect of treatment that isn't listed in the warning brochures. Then there's the dust around everything...

Anonymous said...

Ample ,I read your ur blog today from begining to end .I cried ,I laughed .In search of the answers I have sat at this computer trying to understand why and how I could have gotten this disease.I have known for 6 mths . Have been in such denial .Surly this could not be happening to me .How I will manege through the treatments.How will I take care of my children .Looking for someone to touch me here in my dismal soul .Your soul touched me .I connected to ur words and hang on to them for dear life . I know you know what that means . Thankyou for sharing your journey .I hope that I will be as brave and as strong as you .I will think about you through my journey . I hope and pray that you stay healthy and loved . I will enjoy my vacation with my kids .Love my hair and float . Thanks Amy

Ample said...

Hang in there Amy. It is such a roller coaster ride, full of extremes and wonder, you've just got to marvel at it all (floating is good!)..... and above all, see it as a chance to show your kids how to be sick, choose pain for a greater good, and then get better, heal, and live (AND SET UP LOTS OF PREDICTABLE, RELIABLE, AND VERY LOVING CHILD CARE!!.... you are going to need "time off" so you can still have "time on" with them). Good luck, you can do it.

And thank you for saying such nice things about my blog - that means a lot to me.

Take care...