Sunday, March 25, 2007

New growth spotted

At the river,
tiny spikes covered my arms,
1 mm tall, giants,
holding back the water.
New growth,
strong and straight,
poked past,
little that remains
of hallow curls,
burnt scrags,
(like my head?)
to be replaced.


Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Welcome back my dear Ample........So glad that it went all so well:) Sounds like you had a wonderful time. And your hair! It's coming back from hiding just under the surface of your skin. It knows something for sure! It's safe to come out again:) It knows, it knows!

Hummus avocado sounds yummy!

You were missed;)

Jason Paul Tolmie said...

P.s. Black is darkness, Red hurts, Grey is wet, Blue is sad, White blinds.......but Pink is......Pink:)

Is this the one Ample? Looking good:)