Friday, March 09, 2007

Night wonders

Dreamt my house was falling in, rain was pouring through the ceilings. It's alright, I said. I love this house (and I meant it), will fix it later, as soon as you all leave. And my skin kept tearing, tissue thin, bleeding. Is there virus there, I wondered?


Not Blank said...

That was a classic 'anxiety dream,' like dreaming that you show up naked for a high school final exam. All it means is that you are anxious, it doesn't mean you have the virus.
I'm impressed that you're having dreams, & getting that REM sleep. I'm either not getting to the REM stage (which could explain the crabbiness) or not remembering the any dreams I may be having. Actually, at this point, I would say that my only dream is to be done, like you are.

Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Thats exactly it Ample.......UC said it. You're anxious and rightly so too. You have spent a lot of time & effort to get to this satge & is only natural.
Funnily enough, I too had a dream last night which made me feel quite disturbed! I don't know wether it is a good dream or a bad dream? I had to get up and write it down as soon as I woke! They don't seem to happen that much anymore. is already on my blog for all to see.

I had a similar dream to yours years ago that I have never forgotten. My insides (intestines etc) began to fall out of a perfectly square flap of skin on my side.....right where I would inject 50 interferon needles years later. And I could not for the life of me push them back in!
I must make a post for my blog out of it. Goodness knows what I shall use as a photo for that one;)

UC......have you thought of keeping a note pad & pencil by your bed in case you remember anything? It works for me.

Ample said...

Added the "No" because that was in the dream as well. It was really a beautiful dream... I sure loved the house, let me tell you, planned on staying forever...

Ample said...

Had to change it back.... "No, I smiled" would have been how it ended. But it just didn't flow no matter how I re-worked the words.... dragged the story out too long as well... just know it's there :)

TeaStarWitch said...

Common, what virus? What are you talking about? No viruses alowed! Don't thinks and don't worry about it, please. Enjoy your freedom. I'll be there soon too.