Friday, March 30, 2007

My first run

I began to slow, drift, then decided to just keep going...

bounce, bounce, bounce, foot, foot, foot...

This had started as an urgent "rescue" of my daughter from a large bush at the edge of the playground (yesterday afternoon). But I could see her now, and she was fine.

bounce, bounce, bounce, I just kept going,

slow, like a morning jogger out for a little warm-up...

bounce, bounce, bounce...

not out of breath, dizzy, or crying,

just bouncing along, grinning like a fool.

bounce, bounce, bounce...

We're talking 25 yds, possibly 30, to the bush, yet my legs screamed like the final mile of the marathon still laid ahead, feet moved on memory alone...

bounce, bounce, bounce, grin, grin, grin...

Immediately afterwards my entire lower half filled with jelly, then burned. 25 yards, slow bouncy jog, and I'm toast. Wow.

.... and this is good... couldn't have done that on meds! Whoo Hooo! Touch Down Baby!!!! Yeah! Momma's Coming Back!!


Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Good to hear it Ample:)

You'll be catching me up in no time and before you know it, you'll be infront.

Run, baby, run:)

Chris Vacano said...

Hey Ample,

Me and my music quotes...

She'll suffer the needle chill.
She's running to stand, still.

Glad you're coming back.

Smiling ear to ear for you,

Anonymous said...

Okay "just 25-30 yards". I walk a flight of stairs and get winded. So you weakened by a year of meds = me right now. Good to know. :) Can't say I'm too worried about you cuz!

Ample said...

Amy you made me laugh, and beam, and puff my chest out.... thanks for still thinking I'm strong :)

And thanks guys! I'm beginning to feel un-containable again (so nice)

TeaStarWitch said...

I ran for 5 minutes last week to encourage my daughter to jog, I could not believe I did it.
Good for you, Ample, run, run